

October 2006

  • 62 participants
  • 137 discussions
url compared to hyperref
by Marko Schütz 20 Oct '06

20 Oct '06
Context and CD labels
by Maurício 20 Oct '06

20 Oct '06

19 Oct '06
by Ángel Luis García Fernández 19 Oct '06

19 Oct '06

19 Oct '06
Giving a float its own number
by Duncan Hothersall 19 Oct '06

19 Oct '06
draw & fill
by Peter Rolf 19 Oct '06

19 Oct '06
multipage tables
by Gerhard Kugler 19 Oct '06

19 Oct '06
4 12
0 0
Bug in ctxtools --purge
by Aditya Mahajan 18 Oct '06

18 Oct '06
U3D and presentation
by Renaud AUBIN 18 Oct '06

18 Oct '06