Hi all,
there is some deep bug that was discovered translating Beginners manual.
Let take single chapter e.g. ma-cb-cz-alignments.tex
With today beta I got .log attached (error ! Extra \else)
This will appear in both modes screen and normal.
Interesting is that no error appears in context 2006-05-28.
In context 2006-09-10 this error appears only in normal mode. Screen
mode is OK.
P.S. Today's beta shows even more problems:
- inside typebuffer: only '\dochar {225}' instead of \'a in latin2
- some metapost graphics is wrong
But I suggest to solve them step by step.
This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.40.0-beta-20060213 (Web2C 7.5.5) (format=cont-en 2006.10.10) 10 OCT 2006 23:50
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(./ma-cb-cz-alignments.tuo) (./ma-cb-cz-alignments.tuo)
(./ma-cb-cz-alignments.tuo) (./ma-cb-cz-alignments.tuo)
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ce english
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[MP to PDF] (./ma-cb-cz-alignments-mpgraph.4000)
chapter : 1 Zarovnání
color : currentcolor (def) is not defined
[MP to PDF] (./ma-cb-cz-alignments-mpgraph.3999)
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.\*palatino10pttttftt*: \
.\*palatino10pttttftt*: l
Overfull \hbox (50.99391pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 51--51
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dov\dochar[] []{225}n[] []na[] []soutoku[] []dvou[] []\dochar[] []{176}ek.}
.\glue(\leftskip) 15.0
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Overfull \hbox (45.35019pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 51--51
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.\glue(\leftskip) 15.0
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.\*palatino10pttttftt*: \
.\*palatino10pttttftt*: r
color : currentcolor (def) is not defined
[MP to PDF] (./ma-cb-cz-alignments-mpgraph.3998)
Underfull \hbox (badness 2435) in paragraph at lines 66--73
[]\*palatino10ptrmscrm*: Zarovnání m·ºete up-°es-nit zadáním sm¥ru ([]\*palatin
o10pttttftt*: direction\*palatino10ptrmscrm*: ) a tol-er-ance pruºných vý-pl¬k·
\hbox(9.45493+3.6769)x426.79134, glue set 2.90163
.\*palatino10ptrmscrm*: Z
.\*palatino10ptrmscrm*: a
.\*palatino10ptrmscrm*: r
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[MP to PDF] (./ma-cb-cz-alignments-mpgraph.3997) [MP to PDF]
(./ma-cb-cz-alignments-mpgraph.3996) [MP to PDF]
(./ma-cb-cz-alignments-mpgraph.3995) [MP to PDF]
(./ma-cb-cz-alignments-mpgraph.3994) [1.1]
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