I try to print a periodic table in MP+TeX, but I get the following error
if I uncomment the "%" lines; I fail to see my error. Is there any trick
to debug this?
The error is:
! mpx file ended unexpectedly.
l.3186 <- line number depends on which line is outcommented
% Run as: TEX='texmfstart texexec --dvi --batch --once' mpost
input mp-tool ; % some initializations and auxiliary macros
input mp-spec ;
verbatimtex \enableregime[utf] etex;
verbatimtex \input periodaux etex;
def element(expr y, x, Sym, Z, M, name, altname, conf) =
draw thelabel.rt (Z, (x-1mm,-y+15mm));
draw thelabel.lft (Sym, (x+14.9mm,-y+15.3mm));
draw thelabel.bot (name, (x+6.75mm,-y+13mm));
draw thelabel.bot (altname, (x+6.75mm,-y+10.9mm));
draw thelabel.bot (M, (x+6.75mm,-y+8.8mm));
draw thelabel.bot (conf, (x+6.75mm,-y+6.7mm));
draw (x+0,-y+0)--(x+15mm,-y+0mm)--(x+15mm,-y+18mm)--(x+0mm,-y+18mm)--cycle;
draw thelabel.bot (btex \tfa Periodic Table etex, (8.5*dx,0*dy));
element(1*dy, 1*dx, (btex \pSym{H} etex), (btex \pZ{1} etex),
(btex \pM{1.00794} etex), (btex \pName{Hydrogen} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Wasserstoff} etex), (btex \pConf{$1s$} etex));
element(1*dy, 18*dx, (btex \pSym{He} etex), (btex \pZ{2} etex),
(btex \pM{4.002602} etex), (btex \pName{Helium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Helium} etex), (btex \pConf{$1s^2$} etex));
element(2*dy, 1*dx, (btex \pSym{Li} etex), (btex \pZ{3} etex),
(btex \pM{5.3917} etex), (btex \pName{Lithium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Lithium} etex), (btex \pConf{$1s^22s$} etex));
element(2*dy, 2*dx, (btex \pSym{Be} etex), (btex \pZ{4} etex),
(btex \pM{9.3227} etex), (btex \pName{Beryllium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Beryllium} etex), (btex \pConf{$1s^22s^2$} etex));
element(2*dy, 13*dx, (btex \pSym{B} etex), (btex \pZ{5} etex),
(btex \pM{10.811} etex), (btex \pName{Boron} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Bor} etex), (btex \pConf{$1s^22s^22p$} etex));
element(2*dy, 14*dx, (btex \pSym{C} etex), (btex \pZ{6} etex),
(btex \pM{12.0107} etex), (btex \pName{Carbon} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Kohlenstoff} etex), (btex \pConf{$1s^22s^22p^2$} etex));
element(2*dy, 15*dx, (btex \pSym{N} etex), (btex \pZ{7} etex),
(btex \pM{14.0067} etex), (btex \pName{Nitrogen} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Stickstoff} etex), (btex \pConf{$1s^22s^22p^3$} etex));
element(2*dy, 16*dx, (btex \pSym{O} etex), (btex \pZ{8} etex),
(btex \pM{15.9994} etex), (btex \pName{Oxygen} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Sauerstoff} etex), (btex \pConf{$1s^22s^22p^4$} etex));
element(2*dy, 17*dx, (btex \pSym{F} etex), (btex \pZ{9} etex),
(btex \pM{18.9984032} etex), (btex \pName{Fluorine} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Fluor} etex), (btex \pConf{$1s^22s^22p^5$} etex));
element(2*dy, 18*dx, (btex \pSym{Ne} etex), (btex \pZ{10} etex),
(btex \pM{20.1797} etex), (btex \pName{Neon} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Neon} etex), (btex \pConf{$1s^22s^22p^6$} etex));
element(3*dy, 1*dx, (btex \pSym{Na} etex), (btex \pZ{11} etex),
(btex \pM{22.989770} etex), (btex \pName{Sodium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Natrium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ne]$3s$} etex));
element(3*dy, 2*dx, (btex \pSym{Mg} etex), (btex \pZ{12} etex),
(btex \pM{24.3050} etex), (btex \pName{Magnesium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Magnesium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ne]$3s^2$} etex));
element(3*dy, 13*dx, (btex \pSym{Al} etex), (btex \pZ{13} etex),
(btex \pM{26.981538} etex), (btex \pName{Aluminium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Aluminium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ne]$3s^23p$} etex));
element(3*dy, 14*dx, (btex \pSym{Si} etex), (btex \pZ{14} etex),
(btex \pM{28.0855} etex), (btex \pName{Silicon} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Silizium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ne]$3s^23p^2$} etex));
element(3*dy, 15*dx, (btex \pSym{P} etex), (btex \pZ{15} etex),
(btex \pM{30.973761} etex), (btex \pName{Phosphorus} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Phosphor} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ne]$3s^23p^3$} etex));
element(3*dy, 16*dx, (btex \pSym{S} etex), (btex \pZ{16} etex),
(btex \pM{32.065} etex), (btex \pName{Sulfur} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Schwefel} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ne]$3s^23p^4$} etex));
element(3*dy, 17*dx, (btex \pSym{Cl} etex), (btex \pZ{17} etex),
(btex \pM{35.453} etex), (btex \pName{Chlorine} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Chlor} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ne]$3s^23p^5$} etex));
element(3*dy, 18*dx, (btex \pSym{Ar} etex), (btex \pZ{18} etex),
(btex \pM{39.948} etex), (btex \pName{Argon} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Argon} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ne]$3s^23p^6$} etex));
element(4*dy, 1*dx, (btex \pSym{K} etex), (btex \pZ{19} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Potassium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Kalium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ar]$4s$} etex));
element(4*dy, 2*dx, (btex \pSym{Ca} etex), (btex \pZ{20} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Calcium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{} etex), (btex \pConf{Calcium} etex));
element(4*dy, 3*dx, (btex \pSym{Sc} etex), (btex \pZ{21} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Scandium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Scandium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ar]$3d4s^2$} etex));
element(4*dy, 4*dx, (btex \pSym{Ti} etex), (btex \pZ{22} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Titanium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Titan} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ar]$3d^24s^2$} etex));
element(4*dy, 5*dx, (btex \pSym{V} etex), (btex \pZ{23} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Vanadium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Vanadium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ar]$3d^34s^2$} etex));
element(4*dy, 6*dx, (btex \pSym{Cr} etex), (btex \pZ{24} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Chromium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Chrom} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ar]$3d^54s$} etex));
element(4*dy, 7*dx, (btex \pSym{Mn} etex), (btex \pZ{25} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Manganese} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Mangan} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ar]$3d^54s^2$} etex));
element(4*dy, 8*dx, (btex \pSym{Fe} etex), (btex \pZ{26} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Iron} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Eisen} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ar]$3d^64s^2$} etex));
element(4*dy, 9*dx, (btex \pSym{Co} etex), (btex \pZ{27} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Cobalt} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Kobalt} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ar]$3d^74s^2$} etex));
element(4*dy, 10*dx, (btex \pSym{Ni} etex), (btex \pZ{28} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Nickel} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Nickel} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ar]$3d^84s^2$} etex));
element(4*dy, 11*dx, (btex \pSym{Cu} etex), (btex \pZ{29} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Copper} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Kupfer} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ar]$3d^{10}4s$} etex));
element(4*dy, 12*dx, (btex \pSym{Zn} etex), (btex \pZ{30} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Zinc} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Zink} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ar]$3d^{10}4s^2$} etex));
element(4*dy, 13*dx, (btex \pSym{Ga} etex), (btex \pZ{31} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Gallium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Gallium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ar]$3d^{10}4s^24p$} etex));
element(4*dy, 14*dx, (btex \pSym{Ge} etex), (btex \pZ{32} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Germanium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Germanium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ar]$3d^{10}4s^24p^2$} etex));
element(4*dy, 15*dx, (btex \pSym{As} etex), (btex \pZ{33} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Arsenic} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Arsen} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ar]$3d^{10}4s^24p^3$} etex));
element(4*dy, 16*dx, (btex \pSym{Se} etex), (btex \pZ{34} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Selenium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Selen} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ar]$3d^{10}4s^24p^4$} etex));
element(4*dy, 17*dx, (btex \pSym{Br} etex), (btex \pZ{35} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Bromine} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Brom} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ar]$3d^{10}4s^24p^5$} etex));
element(4*dy, 18*dx, (btex \pSym{Kr} etex), (btex \pZ{36} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Krypton} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Krypton} etex), (btex \pConf{[Ar]$3d^{10}4s^24p^6$} etex));
%element(5*dy, 1*dx, (btex \pSym{Rb} etex), (btex \pZ{37} etex),
% (btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Rubidium} etex),
% (btex \pAltName{Rubidium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Kr}$5s$} etex));
element(5*dy, 2*dx, (btex \pSym{Sr} etex), (btex \pZ{38} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Strontium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Strontium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Kr]$5s^2$} etex));
element(5*dy, 3*dx, (btex \pSym{Y} etex), (btex \pZ{39} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Yttrium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Yttrium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Kr]$4d5s^2$} etex));
element(5*dy, 4*dx, (btex \pSym{Zr} etex), (btex \pZ{40} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Zirconium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Zirkonium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Kr]$4d^25s^2$} etex));
element(5*dy, 5*dx, (btex \pSym{Nb} etex), (btex \pZ{41} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Niobium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Niob} etex), (btex \pConf{[Kr]$4d^45s$} etex));
element(5*dy, 6*dx, (btex \pSym{Mo} etex), (btex \pZ{42} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Molybenum} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Molybd\"an [Kr]$4d^55s$} etex), (btex \pConf{s} etex));
element(5*dy, 7*dx, (btex \pSym{Tc} etex), (btex \pZ{43} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Technetium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Technetium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Kr]$4d^55s^2$} etex));
element(5*dy, 8*dx, (btex \pSym{Ru} etex), (btex \pZ{44} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Ruthenium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Ruthenium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Kr]$4d^75s$} etex));
element(5*dy, 9*dx, (btex \pSym{Rh} etex), (btex \pZ{45} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Rhodium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Rhodium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Kr]$4d^85s$} etex));
element(5*dy, 10*dx, (btex \pSym{Pd} etex), (btex \pZ{46} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Palladium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Palladium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Kr]$4d^{10}$} etex));
element(5*dy, 11*dx, (btex \pSym{Ag} etex), (btex \pZ{47} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Silver} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Silber} etex), (btex \pConf{[Kr]$4d^{10}5s$} etex));
element(5*dy, 12*dx, (btex \pSym{Cd} etex), (btex \pZ{48} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Cadmium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Cadmium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Kr]$4d^{10}5s^2$} etex));
element(5*dy, 13*dx, (btex \pSym{In} etex), (btex \pZ{49} etex),
(btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Indium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Indium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Kr]$4d^{10}5s^25p$} etex));
%element(5*dy, 14*dx, (btex \pSym{Sn} etex), (btex \pZ{50} etex),
% (btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Tin} etex),
% (btex \pAltName{Zinn} etex), (btex \pConf{[Kr}$4d^{10}5s^25p^2$} etex));
%element(5*dy, 15*dx, (btex \pSym{Sb} etex), (btex \pZ{51} etex),
% (btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Antimony} etex),
% (btex \pAltName{Antimon} etex), (btex \pConf{[Kr}$4d^{10}5s^25p^3$} etex));
%element(5*dy, 16*dx, (btex \pSym{Te} etex), (btex \pZ{52} etex),
% (btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Tellurium} etex),
% (btex \pAltName{Tellur} etex), (btex \pConf{[Kr}$4d^{10}5s^25p^4$} etex));
%element(5*dy, 17*dx, (btex \pSym{I} etex), (btex \pZ{53} etex),
% (btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Iodine} etex),
% (btex \pAltName{Iod} etex), (btex \pConf{[Kr}$4d^{10}5s^25p^5$} etex));
%element(5*dy, 18*dx, (btex \pSym{Xe} etex), (btex \pZ{54} etex),
% (btex \pM{} etex), (btex \pName{Xenon} etex),
% (btex \pAltName{Xenon} etex), (btex \pConf{[Kr}$4d^{10}5s^25p^6$} etex));
element(6*dy, 1*dx, (btex \pSym{Cs} etex), (btex \pZ{55} etex),
(btex \pM{132.90545} etex), (btex \pName{Cesium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Cesium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$6s$} etex));
element(6*dy, 2*dx, (btex \pSym{Ba} etex), (btex \pZ{56} etex),
(btex \pM{137.327} etex), (btex \pName{Barium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Barium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$6s^2$} etex));
element(8.3*dy, 3*dx, (btex \pSym{La} etex), (btex \pZ{57} etex),
(btex \pM{138.9055} etex), (btex \pName{Lanthanum} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Lanthan} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$5d6s^2$} etex));
element(6*dy, 4*dx, (btex \pSym{Hf} etex), (btex \pZ{72} etex),
(btex \pM{178.49} etex), (btex \pName{Hafnium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Hafnium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^{14}5d^26s^2$} etex));
element(6*dy, 5*dx, (btex \pSym{Ta} etex), (btex \pZ{73} etex),
(btex \pM{180.9479} etex), (btex \pName{Tantalum} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Tantal} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^{14}5d^36s^2$} etex));
element(6*dy, 6*dx, (btex \pSym{W } etex), (btex \pZ{74} etex),
(btex \pM{183.84} etex), (btex \pName{Tungsten} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Wolfram} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^{14}5d^46s^2$} etex));
element(6*dy, 7*dx, (btex \pSym{Re} etex), (btex \pZ{75} etex),
(btex \pM{186.207} etex), (btex \pName{Rhenium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Rhenium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^{14}5d^56s^2$} etex));
element(6*dy, 8*dx, (btex \pSym{Os} etex), (btex \pZ{76} etex),
(btex \pM{190.23} etex), (btex \pName{Osmium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Osmium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^{14}5d^66s^2$} etex));
element(6*dy, 9*dx, (btex \pSym{Ir} etex), (btex \pZ{77} etex),
(btex \pM{192.217} etex), (btex \pName{Iridium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Iridium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^{14}5d^76s^2$} etex));
element(6*dy, 10*dx, (btex \pSym{Pt} etex), (btex \pZ{78} etex),
(btex \pM{195.078} etex), (btex \pName{Platinum} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Platin} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^{14}5d^96s$} etex));
element(6*dy, 11*dx, (btex \pSym{Au} etex), (btex \pZ{79} etex),
(btex \pM{196.96655} etex), (btex \pName{Gold} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Gold} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^{14}5d^{10}6s$} etex));
element(6*dy, 12*dx, (btex \pSym{Hg} etex), (btex \pZ{80} etex),
(btex \pM{200.59} etex), (btex \pName{Mercury} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Quecksilber} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^{14}5d^{10}6s^2$} etex));
element(6*dy, 13*dx, (btex \pSym{Tl} etex), (btex \pZ{81} etex),
(btex \pM{204.3833} etex), (btex \pName{Thallium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Thallium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Hg]$6p$} etex));
element(6*dy, 14*dx, (btex \pSym{Pb} etex), (btex \pZ{82} etex),
(btex \pM{207.2} etex), (btex \pName{Lead} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Blei} etex), (btex \pConf{[Hg]$6p^2$} etex));
element(6*dy, 15*dx, (btex \pSym{Bi} etex), (btex \pZ{83} etex),
(btex \pM{208.98038} etex), (btex \pName{Bismuth} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Bismut} etex), (btex \pConf{[Hg]$6p^3$} etex));
element(6*dy, 16*dx, (btex \pSym{Po} etex), (btex \pZ{84} etex),
(btex \pM{(209)} etex), (btex \pName{Polonium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Polonium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Hg]$6p^4$} etex));
element(6*dy, 17*dx, (btex \pSym{At} etex), (btex \pZ{85} etex),
(btex \pM{(210)} etex), (btex \pName{Astatine} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Astat} etex), (btex \pConf{[Hg]$6p^5$} etex));
element(6*dy, 18*dx, (btex \pSym{Rn} etex), (btex \pZ{86} etex),
(btex \pM{(222)} etex), (btex \pName{Radon} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Radon} etex), (btex \pConf{[Hg]$6p^6$} etex));
element(7*dy, 1*dx, (btex \pSym{Fr} etex), (btex \pZ{87} etex),
(btex \pM{(223)} etex), (btex \pName{Francium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Francium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Rn]$7s$} etex));
element(7*dy, 2*dx, (btex \pSym{Ra} etex), (btex \pZ{87} etex),
(btex \pM{(226)} etex), (btex \pName{Radium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Radium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Rn]$6p^2$} etex));
element(9.3*dy, 3*dx, (btex \pSym{Ac} etex), (btex \pZ{89} etex),
(btex \pM{(227)} etex), (btex \pName{Actinium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Actinium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Rn]$6s7s^2$} etex));
element(7*dy, 4*dx, (btex \pSym{Rf} etex), (btex \pZ{104} etex),
(btex \pM{(261)} etex), (btex \pName{Rutherfordium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Rutherfordium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Rn]$5f^{14}6d^27s^2?$} etex));
element(7*dy, 5*dx, (btex \pSym{Db} etex), (btex \pZ{105} etex),
(btex \pM{(262)} etex), (btex \pName{Dubnium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{} etex), (btex \pConf{Dubnium} etex));
element(7*dy, 6*dx, (btex \pSym{Sg} etex), (btex \pZ{106} etex),
(btex \pM{(266)} etex), (btex \pName{Seaborgium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Seaborgium} etex), (btex \pConf{} etex));
element(7*dy, 7*dx, (btex \pSym{Bh} etex), (btex \pZ{107} etex),
(btex \pM{(264)} etex), (btex \pName{Bohrium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Bohrium} etex), (btex \pConf{} etex));
element(7*dy, 8*dx, (btex \pSym{Hs} etex), (btex \pZ{108} etex),
(btex \pM{(277)} etex), (btex \pName{Hassium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Hassium} etex), (btex \pConf{} etex));
element(7*dy, 9*dx, (btex \pSym{Mt} etex), (btex \pZ{109} etex),
(btex \pM{(268)} etex), (btex \pName{Meitnerium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Meitnerium} etex), (btex \pConf{} etex));
element(7*dy, 10*dx, (btex \pSym{Uun} etex), (btex \pZ{110} etex),
(btex \pM{(281)} etex), (btex \pName{Ununnilium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Ununnilium} etex), (btex \pConf{} etex));
element(7*dy, 11*dx, (btex \pSym{Uuu} etex), (btex \pZ{111} etex),
(btex \pM{(272)} etex), (btex \pName{Unununium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Unununium} etex), (btex \pConf{} etex));
element(7*dy, 12*dx, (btex \pSym{Uub} etex), (btex \pZ{112} etex),
(btex \pM{(285)} etex), (btex \pName{Ununbium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Ununbium} etex), (btex \pConf{} etex));
element(7*dy, 14*dx, (btex \pSym{Uuq} etex), (btex \pZ{114} etex),
(btex \pM{(289)} etex), (btex \pName{Ununquadium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Ununquadium} etex), (btex \pConf{} etex));
element(7*dy, 16*dx, (btex \pSym{Uuh} etex), (btex \pZ{116} etex),
(btex \pM{(292)} etex), (btex \pName{Ununhexium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Ununhexium} etex), (btex \pConf{} etex));
element(8.3*dy, 4*dx, (btex \pSym{Ce} etex), (btex \pZ{58} etex),
(btex \pM{140.116} etex), (btex \pName{Cerium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{[Xe]$4f5d6s^2$} etex), (btex \pConf{s} etex));
element(8.3*dy, 5*dx, (btex \pSym{Pr} etex), (btex \pZ{59} etex),
(btex \pM{140.90765} etex), (btex \pName{Praseodymium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Praseodym} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^36s^2$} etex));
element(8.3*dy, 6*dx, (btex \pSym{Nd} etex), (btex \pZ{60} etex),
(btex \pM{144.24} etex), (btex \pName{Neodymium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Neodym} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^46s^2$} etex));
element(8.3*dy, 7*dx, (btex \pSym{Pm} etex), (btex \pZ{61} etex),
(btex \pM{(145)} etex), (btex \pName{Promethium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Promethium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^56s^2$} etex));
element(8.3*dy, 8*dx, (btex \pSym{Sm} etex), (btex \pZ{62} etex),
(btex \pM{150.36} etex), (btex \pName{Samarium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Samarium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^66s^2$} etex));
element(8.3*dy, 9*dx, (btex \pSym{Eu} etex), (btex \pZ{63} etex),
(btex \pM{151.964} etex), (btex \pName{Europium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Europium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^76s^2$} etex));
element(8.3*dy, 10*dx, (btex \pSym{Gd} etex), (btex \pZ{64} etex),
(btex \pM{157.25} etex), (btex \pName{Gadolinium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Gadolinium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^75d6s^2$} etex));
element(8.3*dy, 11*dx, (btex \pSym{Tb} etex), (btex \pZ{65} etex),
(btex \pM{158.92534} etex), (btex \pName{Terbium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Terbium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^96s^2$} etex));
element(8.3*dy, 12*dx, (btex \pSym{Dy} etex), (btex \pZ{66} etex),
(btex \pM{162.500} etex), (btex \pName{Dysprosium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Dysprosium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^{10}6s^2$} etex));
element(8.3*dy, 13*dx, (btex \pSym{Ho} etex), (btex \pZ{67} etex),
(btex \pM{164.93032} etex), (btex \pName{Holmium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Holmium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^{11}6s^2$} etex));
element(8.3*dy, 14*dx, (btex \pSym{Er} etex), (btex \pZ{68} etex),
(btex \pM{167.259} etex), (btex \pName{Erbium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Erbium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^{12}6s^2$} etex));
element(8.3*dy, 15*dx, (btex \pSym{Tm} etex), (btex \pZ{69} etex),
(btex \pM{168.93421} etex), (btex \pName{Thulium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Thulium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^{13}6s^2$} etex));
element(8.3*dy, 16*dx, (btex \pSym{Yb} etex), (btex \pZ{70} etex),
(btex \pM{173.04} etex), (btex \pName{Ytterbium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Ytterbium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^{14}6s^2$} etex));
element(8.3*dy, 17*dx, (btex \pSym{Lu} etex), (btex \pZ{71} etex),
(btex \pM{174.967} etex), (btex \pName{Lutetium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Lutetium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Xe]$4f^{14}5d6s^2$} etex));
element(9.3*dy, 4*dx, (btex \pSym{Th} etex), (btex \pZ{90} etex),
(btex \pM{232.0391} etex), (btex \pName{Thorium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Thorium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Rn]$6d^27s^2$} etex));
element(9.3*dy, 5*dx, (btex \pSym{Pa} etex), (btex \pZ{91} etex),
(btex \pM{231.03588} etex), (btex \pName{Proactinium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Proactinium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Rn]$5f^26d7s^2$} etex));
element(9.3*dy, 6*dx, (btex \pSym{U} etex), (btex \pZ{92} etex),
(btex \pM{238.02891} etex), (btex \pName{Uranium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Uranium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Rn]$5f^36d7s^2$} etex));
element(9.3*dy, 7*dx, (btex \pSym{Np} etex), (btex \pZ{93} etex),
(btex \pM{(237)} etex), (btex \pName{Neptunium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Neptunium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Rn]$5f^46d7s^2$} etex));
element(9.3*dy, 8*dx, (btex \pSym{Pu} etex), (btex \pZ{94} etex),
(btex \pM{(244)} etex), (btex \pName{Plutonium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Plutonium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Rn]$5f^67s^2$} etex));
element(9.3*dy, 9*dx, (btex \pSym{Am} etex), (btex \pZ{95} etex),
(btex \pM{(243)} etex), (btex \pName{Americium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Americium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Rn]$5f^77s^2$} etex));
element(9.3*dy, 10*dx, (btex \pSym{Cm} etex), (btex \pZ{96} etex),
(btex \pM{(247)} etex), (btex \pName{Curium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Curium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Rn]$5f^76d7s^2$} etex));
element(9.3*dy, 11*dx, (btex \pSym{Bk} etex), (btex \pZ{97} etex),
(btex \pM{(247)} etex), (btex \pName{Berkelium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Berkelium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Rn]$5f^97s^2$} etex));
element(9.3*dy, 12*dx, (btex \pSym{Cf} etex), (btex \pZ{98} etex),
(btex \pM{(251)} etex), (btex \pName{Californium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Californium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Rn]$5f^{10}7s^2$} etex));
element(9.3*dy, 13*dx, (btex \pSym{Es} etex), (btex \pZ{99} etex),
(btex \pM{(252)} etex), (btex \pName{Einsteinium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Einsteinium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Rn]$5f^{11}7s^2$} etex));
element(9.3*dy, 14*dx, (btex \pSym{Fm} etex), (btex \pZ{100} etex),
(btex \pM{(257)} etex), (btex \pName{Fermium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Fermium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Rn]$5f^{12}7s^2$} etex));
element(9.3*dy, 15*dx, (btex \pSym{Md} etex), (btex \pZ{101} etex),
(btex \pM{(258)} etex), (btex \pName{Mendelevium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Mendelevium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Rn]$5f^{13}7s^2$} etex));
element(9.3*dy, 16*dx, (btex \pSym{No} etex), (btex \pZ{102} etex),
(btex \pM{(259)} etex), (btex \pName{Nobelium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Nobelium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Rn]$5f^{14}7s^2$} etex));
element(9.3*dy, 17*dx, (btex \pSym{Lr} etex), (btex \pZ{103} etex),
(btex \pM{(262)} etex), (btex \pName{Lawrencium} etex),
(btex \pAltName{Lawrencium} etex), (btex \pConf{[Rn]$5f^{14}7s^27p?$} etex));
verbatimtex \bye etex;