

August 2004

  • 57 participants
  • 138 discussions
Footnotes in margin (again)
by Steffen Wolfrum 25 Aug '04

25 Aug '04
ConTeXt and slides
by Thomas A.Schmitz 24 Aug '04

24 Aug '04
Re: [NTG-context] How to use PostScript font
by skhilji@tampabay.rr.com 24 Aug '04

24 Aug '04
7 14
0 0

24 Aug '04
Metapost and TeX [OT]
by skhilji@tampabay.rr.com 24 Aug '04

24 Aug '04
Re: [NTG-context] Ancient Greek
by Steffen Wolfrum 23 Aug '04

23 Aug '04
Re: texutil "malformed UTF-8 character" error
by Duncan Hothersall 23 Aug '04

23 Aug '04
Re[2]: [NTG-context] Ancient Greek
by Giuseppe Bilotta 23 Aug '04

23 Aug '04