I have a book with frontmatter, bodymatter, and backmatter. The
frontmatter is pagenumbered with lc roman, and the bodymatter and
backmatter are numbered, all by block.
The backmatter contain a glossary, pagenotes, bibliography, and an
index. In addition to the frontmatter and the bodymatter, both the
glossary and the pagenotes contain items that are indexed.
I need to distinguish pagenumbers that appear in the index so that the
reader can identify where in the book the page is located. For the
frontmatter, that is not a problem. For items that appear in the
bodymatter or backmatter, however, page numbers are not unique.
One method that has been suggested is to prefix the pagenumber displayed
in the index with a mark to indicate that the page is in the backmatter,
or to italicize it, or to use an alternate font. I have looked at the
defineconversionset and defineprocessor documentation and find no way to
mark index entries appropriately.
Can anyone suggest a way to do this, or some other method? Perhaps a
pagecommand that compares the register item real page number to the
highest real page number of the body? I would prefer a solution that
does not require changing the register commands (\index) in the text.
Continuous numbering across the frontmatter, bodymatter, and backmatter
is not wanted, although as a last resort I might be able to argue for
continuous numbering in the bodymatter and backmatter.
Rik Kabel