

February 2003

  • 58 participants
  • 105 discussions
Re: inlining pretty-printed XML
by Guy Worthington 18 Feb '03

18 Feb '03
table column alignment
by Bruce D'Arcus 17 Feb '03

17 Feb '03
Math Euler and mp-graph
by Adam Lindsay 17 Feb '03

17 Feb '03

17 Feb '03
6 15
0 0
\setupTABLE commands?
by Bruce D'Arcus 17 Feb '03

17 Feb '03
hyphenation with accented caharacters
by Henning Hraban Ramm 16 Feb '03

16 Feb '03
by Idris S Hamid 15 Feb '03

15 Feb '03
page references
by Idris S Hamid 15 Feb '03

15 Feb '03
contents pagebreak before new part
by Ron van Ostayen 14 Feb '03

14 Feb '03
Extraneous spaces in XML documents
by drymartini@gmx.de 14 Feb '03

14 Feb '03