forwarded 480725 dev-context(a)
Dear Hans, dear Taco,
on the Debian side we got the attached bug report together with a patch
for Can you comment on it, or consider it for inclusion?
Thanks and all the best
Please leave 480725(a) on the Cc list, thanks
Dr. Norbert Preining <preining(a)> Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining(a)> Debian TeX Group
gpg DSA: 0x09C5B094 fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76 A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094
Measure = 0.0000176 mg. Defined as that amount of margarine capable of
covering one hundred slices of bread to the depth of one
molecule. This is the legal maximum allowed in sandwich bars in
Greater London.
--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff