>From what I can tell, the bold font is not found if all of the following
are true:
1. using the Palatino typescript
2. setting the body font to 10.5pt (but 11pt or 12pt works fine)
3. using MkIV
4. using components (project structure)
Here's the minimal example (mytest.tex):
\startcomponent mytest
{\bold hello}
Compile the two variants with:
context --mode=ascomponent --result=mytest-ascomponent.pdf mytest.tex
context --mode=standalone --result=mytest-standalone.pdf mytest.tex
mytest-standalone.pdf is fine (the "hello" is in bold), but
mytest-ascomponent.pdf has the "hello" in roman.
The particular roman font in mytest-ascomponent.pdf is also funny:
$ pdffonts mytest-ascomponent.pdf
name type emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- --- ---------
TZNKGE+TeXGyrePagellaMath-Regular CID Type 0C yes yes yes 18 0
Why is it the math font?
(A slightly more complex example, using \project to include a project
file, which includes an environment file that asks for palatino,
produced the same problem. But the version above needs just one file,
mytest.tex, so for simplicity I am describing the problem using it.)
What I think is happening is that, when running as a component, the
typescript loading happens too late (after the equivalent of
"\starttext"), and not everything gets set up properly. In support of
that idea, if I shift the two environment lines ("\usetypescript ...")
to just before the "{\bold hello}"---thus, after the "\starttext"---then
the standalone version gets the same problem ("hello" in roman).
What puzzles me is that this problem shows up only with 10.5pt and using
palatino. If I just use 10.5pt (i.e. w/ modern), then there's no
problem. Or 11pt in Palatino is fine. There's also no problem using MkII.
I tested with the context in vanilla TL2013 and in Norbert's latest
Debian packages--the problem happens in both.
I'm attaching the two log files.
ConTeXt ver: 2013.05.28 00:36 MKIV current fmt: 2013.7.2 int: english/english
system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded
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fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded
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fonts > typescripts > unknown library 'loc'
fonts > 'fallback modern rm 12pt' is loaded
fonts > bodyfont '10.5pt' is defined (can better be done global)
fonts > bodyfont '12.6pt' is defined (can better be done global)
fonts > bodyfont '8.4pt' is defined (can better be done global)
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