Hi all!
Before uploading context 2007.09.28 I want to straigthen some things out
wrt luatex etc, the least is that I want to add a README so that users
can set up context/luatex themselves.
Now my questions:
- Is it possible to have MORE THAN ONE luatex cache directory? Something
such that
/v/l/t/systexmf-cache contains the cached trees for the system
trees (/usr/share/texmf{,-texlive}, ...)
$HOME/.texmf-var/texmfcache contains the cache of the users
home directory texmf tree
- Is it possible to tell luatools to update only some (or only one)
texmf tree? Something like
luatools --generate /usr/share/texmf-texlive
- Is there an obvious objection to replace luatex binary with a script
which contains the necessary TEXMFCNF settings, something like
if [ -z "$TEXMFCNF" ] ; then
luatex.bin $*
? Reason: First is that we know where the texmf.cnf is and we don't
have to urge the user to set the env var. Furthermore a user CAN
override the TEXMFCNF settings if he wants to.
Thanks a lot, and sorry for buggering you with these questions, but I
want to get a decent system for Debian.
Best wishes
Dr. Norbert Preining <preining(a)logic.at> Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining(a)debian.org> Debian TeX Group
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For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or
so, nothing continued to happen.
--- Douglas Adams, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy