On Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 4:01 PM Xavier B. via ntg-context < ntg-context@ntg.nl> wrote:
I use artix linux (a fork of arch with systemd alternative init systems).
I get the same error for TL2023 in Windows, with additional output: <empty file> Please don't say '\def cs{...}', say '\def\cs{...}'. I've inserted an inaccessible control sequence so that your definition will be completed without mixing me up too badly. mtx-context | fatal error: return code: 1
During the texlive package, I get this error:
return {
["filename"]="/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgf/basiclayer/pgfcorepoints.code.tex", ["lastcontext"]="\n<inserted text> \n \\inaccessible \n<to be read again> \n \"\n\\pgfmath@catcodes ->\\catcode `\\==12 \\catcode `\\,=12 \\catcode `\\|=12 \\catcode `\\&=12 \\let \"\n \\pgfmath@char@quote \n\\pgfmathparse ->\\begingroup \\pgfmath@catcodes \n \\pgfmath@quickparsefalse \\ifpgfmathfloat \\let \\pgfmath@parse@next =\\pgfmathfloatparsenumber \\else \\let \\pgfmath@parse@next =\\pgfmathparse@ \\fi \\pgfmath@parse@next \n<argument> \\pgfmathparse \n {1cm}\\ifpgfmathmathunitsdeclared \\pgf@x \\pgfmathresult mu\\relax \\else \\pgf@x \\pgfmathresult pt\\relax \\fi \n\\pgfmath@next #1#2->#2\n \n...\nl.926 \\pgfsetxvec{\\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}\n ", ["lastluaerror"]="?", ["lasttexerror"]="! Missing control sequence inserted", ["linenumber"]=926, ["offset"]=10, }
I simply run context to this file:
\starttext {\bf a} \tikz (0,0) -- (1,0); \stoptext
pgfcorepoints.code.tex hasn't changed from TeXLive 2022.