Bug in s-pre-60.mkiv module
I have to use this hack to make section titles appear when I use section blocks (Hans, could you have a look at this bug of your s-pre-60.mkiv module when you have time please?): \usemodule[pre-60] \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \startfrontmatter \StartSteps % <-- Hack \StopSteps % <-- Hack \startsection[title=My frontmatter section] % <-- Title displayed (the hack is not needed for this first section block, but I also use it here for symmetry with the next section blocks) \StartSteps \startitemize \item my item\FlushStep \item my item\FlushStep \item my item\FlushStep \stopitemize \StopSteps \stopsection \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \StartSteps % <-- Hack \StopSteps % <-- Hack \startsection[title=My bodymatter section] % <-- Title displayed thanks to the hack \StartSteps \startitemize \item my item\FlushStep \item my item\FlushStep \item my item\FlushStep \stopitemize \StopSteps \stopsection \stopbodymatter \startbackmatter \StartSteps % <-- Hack \StopSteps % <-- Hack \startsection[title=My backmatter section] % <-- Title displayed thanks to the hack \StartSteps \startitemize \item my item\FlushStep \item my item\FlushStep \item my item\FlushStep \stopitemize \StopSteps \stopsection \stopbackmatter \startappendices \StartSteps % <-- Hack \StopSteps % <-- Hack \startsection[title=My backmatter section] % <-- Title displayed thanks to the hack \StartSteps \startitemize \item my item\FlushStep \item my item\FlushStep \item my item\FlushStep \stopitemize \StopSteps \stopsection \stopappendices \stoptext
participants (1)