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Von: Pablo Rodriguez via ntg-context
mailto:ntg-context@ntg.nl> Betreff: Aw: [NTG-context] Hyphenation in multi-language projects Datum: 14. September 2022 um 19:40:53 MESZ An: Denis Maier via ntg-context mailto:ntg-context@ntg.nl> Kopie: Pablo Rodriguez mailto:oinos@gmx.es> Antwort an: mailing list for ConTeXt users mailto:ntg-context@ntg.nl> On 9/14/22 16:54, Denis Maier via ntg-context wrote:
[...] Isn’t there a way to list exceptions that will work in *all* languages?
I thought that \hyphenation would work like that, or \startexceptions without a language code. Apparently that's not the case.
\hyphenation only works for the given language:
\hyphenation{macOS} \starttext \startTEXpage[offset=1em] \currentlanguage: \hyphenatedword{macOS}
\startlanguage[fr] \currentlanguage: \hyphenatedword{macOS} \stoplanguage \stopTEXpage \stoptext
But I’d say that \registerhyphenationexception[macOS] was language-independent for me some time ago. (Now it seems to work like \hyphenation.)
In any case, \registerhyphenationexception seems to have issues with ligatures:
\setuphyphenation[method=traditional] \registerhyphenationexception[steff-en macOS] \registerhyphenationexception[it][steff-en macOS]
\starttext \startTEXpage[offset=1em] \currentlanguage: \hyphenatedword{steffen macOS}
\startlanguage[it] \currentlanguage: \hyphenatedword{steffen macOS} \stoplanguage \stopTEXpage \stoptext
If there isn’t a command to add language-indepented hyphenation exceptions or patterns, one for proper names (for people, products or companies) would be really useful.
Just in case Hans or other wizard may take a look at this,
Hans, is there any news regarding Pablos wish? Steffen