David Arnold schrieb:
should be
%-------- % output=pdf \setuppapersize[A4][A4]
\setuplayout [%width=middle, backspace=.75in, curspace=2.55in, leftmargin=.50in, margindistance=.25in, rightmargin=2.3in]
using 'cutspace' the option 'width=middle' works as expected. The margin images are now on the paper. But the problem with the tex+margin on the *second* page is not solved. I tried \placefigure [here,inleft] {a text+margin image} {\framed[width=1.2\textwidth,height=3cm]{image}} \placefigure [here,inmargin] {a text+margin image} {\framed[width=1.2\textwidth,height=3cm]{image}} but the image does not move into the margin. richard -- ============================================================================== Richard Rascher-Friesenhausen MeVis -- Centrum fuer Medizinische Diagnosesysteme und Visualisierung GmbH Universitaetsallee 29 D-28359 Bremen email: richard@mevis.de, richard.rascher-friesenhausen@hs-bremerhaven.de www : http://www.mevis.de/, http://www.hs-bremerhaven.de/ fon : +49 - 421 - 218 7707 (mevis) fax : +49 - 421 - 218 4236 (mevis) ==============================================================================