On Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 8:43 AM Otared Kavian via ntg-context
Hi Mikael,
Hi Otared,
I use Lucida in my documents and did not notice any problem with the integrals and other large operators. Do you mean in the future I have to update to a new version of Lucida (and pay again…) or will future versions of LuaMetaTeX handle correctly large operators typeset in Lucida ?
In Lucida the integrals have almost been at the right place. See the attached screenshot. To the left, the unfixed Lucida (first aligned at the base line, and then centered around the math axis). To the right, the same with fixed Lucida. In the eulernova example that Aditya shows, the difference is much bigger. The fixoldschool tweak fixes it, but it is of course better if it gets fixed in the font. Regarding the Lucida fonts: When you bought them you should have got some login information. That should still work, and you should be able to upgrade your fonts when released. I don't know how they (TUG) do releases, though, if they send out information to all people who bought the font. Hans and I are only involved in the fixing. /Mikael PS There are some other glyphs in Lucida that will be fixed. The <, >, \oiint and \oiiint (displayed versions of the integrals). If you add them (and, say also a = close to the < and >) to a document, and use \showglyphs you will see why.