A very timid question: did anything change in the recent versions about generation of TOCs? I could swear that this worked a couple of weeks ago, but I can't make it work now: 1) I want numbered and unnumbered chapters, so I use \chapter{} and \title{}. I thought that the \title-parts were included in the TOC by default, but they don't show up, regardless of what I do. 2) I can't get any of the alternatives to work properly. Here's an sample file: \starttext \setupcombinedlist[content][alternative=c] \placecontent \chapter{1} \section{a} \section{b} \section{c} \chapter{2} \section{a} \section{b} \title{I} \section{a} \section{b} \section{c} \title{II} \stoptext Tried appending the [alternative=c] to \placecontent as well, no change. And as I said, I could have sworn it worked a couple of weeks ago. Ideas, anybody? Thanks! Thomas