Am 08.10.2012 um 20:51 schrieb Simo Ojala
On 1-10-2012 19:25, Philipp Gesang wrote:
Doesn’t work. What helps is to comment out the “appendaction” in char-utf.lua or the corresponding table for U0xfb35 in char-def.lua. My guess is that this is the case because the .tex file is processed *before* you can disable it.
so we need a directive (as they can be given on the commandline)
local textfileactions = resolvers.openers.helpers.textfileactions
directives.register("filters.utf.collapse", function(v) utilities.sequencers[v and "enableaction" or "disableaction"](textfileactions,"characters.filters.utf.collapse") end)
Sorry to still bother you with this. I just could not get this working. Hopefully it is just that I could not figure out right command line stuff. (I tried out several different ways.) So could somebody tell me how it should be run.
My guess is something like..
context --directives=filters.utf.collapse=what_should_i_put_here? testcase.tex
PS: Both Context setups I tried to get this working (Ubuntu PPA and standalone) should have had code updated. So that should have not been the problem.
Does it work when you add \enabledirectives[filters.utf.collapse] at the begin of your document. Wolfgang