On 1-10-2012 19:25, Philipp Gesang wrote:
Doesn’t work. What helps is to comment out the “appendaction” in
char-utf.lua or the corresponding table for U0xfb35 in
char-def.lua. My guess is that this is the case because the .tex
file is processed *before* you can disable it.
so we need a directive (as they can be given on the commandline)
local textfileactions = resolvers.openers.helpers.textfileactions
directives.register("filters.utf.collapse", function(v)
utilities.sequencers[v and "enableaction" or
Sorry to still bother you with this. I just could not get this working. Hopefully it is just that I could not figure out right command line stuff. (I tried out several different ways.) So could somebody tell me how it should be run.
My guess is something like..
context --directives=filters.utf.collapse=what_should_i_put_here? testcase.tex
PS: Both Context setups I tried to get this working (Ubuntu PPA and standalone) should have had code updated. So that should have not been the problem.
Does it work when you add
at the begin of your document.