Hi, I am trying to add a url as a footnote in the caption. There is no error, but it is written in two lines in the footnote. I also try \hyphenatedurl, \letterslash in the wiki, but it is no use. I am using "ConTeXt ver: 2020.12.22 22:14 LMTX”. Thank you for reading. Best regards, Dalyoung Here is a MWE. \useMPlibrary[dum] \unexpanded\def\myurl#1{% \bgroup{\hyphenatedurl{#1}}\egroup} \starttext \startplacefigure[] {\startcombination[2*1] {\externalfigure[dummyz][width=.35\makeupwidth]}{Pegasus\footnote{\myurl{https://www.mcescher.com/gallery\letterslash recognition-success/no-105-pegasus/}}} {\externalfigure[dummy][width=.35\makeupwidth]}{Birds\footnote{\myurl{https://www.mcescher.com/gallery/recognition-success/no-128-bird/}}} \stopcombination} \stopplacefigure \stoptext