Hi Hans, Following up the previous bug report, I tried the latest version, ConTeXt ver: 2016.09.09 08:21 MKIV beta, and noticed that you have solved one part of the problem with the placement of equation numbers on the left, when using \startalign. Actually the location of those equation numbers is correct as far as the horizontal distance is concerned, but it is not vertically. In the attached PDF (which is the result of the following example) one can see that equation number (5) is placed on the grid line 10, while it shoul dbe placed on line 11 in alignment with the corresponding formula. Moreover equation number (4) does not show up at all (that number should be placed a little bit below line 9 of the grid). Thanks in advance for your time. Best regards: OK %%% begin example bug-mathalign.tex \showgrid \starttext With the default setting, that is \type{\setupformulas[location=right]} one gets: \placeformula \startformula \startalign \NC \exp(t_1)\exp(t_2)\NC = x_1x_2=\exp(\log(x_1x_2))\NR[eq:explag0] \NC \NC =\exp(\log x_1+\log x_2) = \exp(t_1+t_2).\NR[eq:explag1] \stopalign \stopformula \placeformula \startformula 1+1=2 \stopformula \setupformulas[location=left] While with \type{\setupformulas[location=left]} one gets: \placeformula \startformula \startalign \NC \exp(t_1)\exp(t_2)\NC = x_1x_2=\exp(\log(x_1x_2))\NR[eq:explag0] \NC \NC =\exp(\log x_1+\log x_2) = \exp(t_1+t_2).\NR[eq:explag1] \stopalign \stopformula \placeformula \startformula 2+3=5 \stopformula \stoptext %%% begin example bug-mathalign.tex
On 7 Sep 2016, at 20:25, Otared Kavian
wrote: Hi Hans,
Thank you for having fixed the issue with numbered equations in math aligned environment, noticed and reported by Mikael Sundqvist. However the problem is solved only when the numbers are on the right: when the numbers are on the left, there is still a discrepancy between the location of numbers in equations numbered in an aligned environment and those which are by themselves. Please have a look at the attached PDF which is the result of the following example (using ConTeXt ver: 2016.09.06 19:11 MKIV beta). Best regards: OK
%%% begin math-align.tex \starttext \placeformula \startformula \startalign \NC \exp(t_1)\exp(t_2)\NC = x_1x_2=\exp(\log(x_1x_2))\NR \NC \NC =\exp(\log x_1+\log x_2) = \exp(t_1+t_2).\NR[eq:explag1] \stopalign \stopformula
\placeformula \startformula 1+1=2 \stopformula
\setupformulas[location=left] with \type{\setupformulas[location=left]}
\placeformula \startformula \startalign \NC \exp(t_1)\exp(t_2)\NC = x_1x_2=\exp(\log(x_1x_2))\NR \NC \NC =\exp(\log x_1+\log x_2) = \exp(t_1+t_2).\NR[eq:explag1] \stopalign \stopformula
\placeformula \startformula 2+3=5 \stopformula \stoptext %%% end math-align.tex