13 Aug
13 Aug
3:29 p.m.
Am 10.08.2006 um 22:47 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
You can always define your own startstop.
\definestartstop[italic][before={\bgroup \it},after={\egroup}]
and then do
\startitalic This is italic \stopitalic
When a command takes an optional agrument, you can do use something like this
\def\startfootnote% {\unskip\dosingleempty\dostartfootnote}
\def\dostartfootnote[#1]#2\stopfootnote% {\footnote[#1]{#2}}
And what would be the opposite? For example \startquote ... \stopquote to something like {MyQuote ... } Steffen