This was asked, but not answered before... I've a big TABLE that needs to be rotated to fit width, but must break over two or three pages. Caption should stay horizontally (but that's not important). I tried several attempts, some didn't display anything, none breaks the table, e.g.: \placetable[here,90][tab:religionen]{Götter}% {\framed[width=\textheight, height=\textwidth]{\getbuffer[tab- religionen]}} % rotation included in the placetable parameters; with "page" instead of "here" it didn't display anything. % another failed attempt: \rotate[width=\textheight, height=\textwidth, rotation=90]{% \placetable[here][tab:religionen]{Götter}{\getbuffer[tab-religionen]}% } As you can guess, the whole table is in a buffer: \startbuffer[tab-religionen] \bTABLE[split=repeat] \bTABLEhead \bTR[bottomframe=on]\bTH Land \eTH\bTH Aspekt \eTH\bTH Aspekt \eTH \bTH Aspekt \eTH\bTH Aspekt \eTH\bTH Aspekt \eTH\bTH Aspekt \eTH\bTH Aspekt \eTH\bTH Aspekt \eTH\eTR \eTABLEhead \bTABLEbody ... \bTABLE[width=\textheight] sets the width of the first column to \textheight - WHY? Greetlings from Lake Constance! Hraban --- (I'm an assurer)