On Wednesday 13 November 2002 14:16, Idris S Hamid wrote:
There is probably a way to condense this but I was taking no chances:->:
Miracle of miracles, the following works too:->: --------------type-cmr------------ %%% Names and synonyms \starttypescript [roman] [knuth] [name] \usetypescript [serif,sans,mono,math] [computer-modern] [name,size] \stoptypescript %%% Sizes \starttypescript [roman] [knuth] [size] \usetypescript [serif,sans,mono,math] [computer-modern] [size] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [MyCMR] \definebodyfontenvironment [mycmr] [default] [interlinespace=2.8ex] \definetypeface [mycmr] [rm,ss,tt,mm] [roman] [knuth] [knuth] %% I was not sure if [rm,ss,tt,mm] was going to work. \stoptypescript ------------------------------------------ Please amend this if I have left anything out. I'm still curious as to why the default cmr setup does not work. Best wishes Idris -- Dr. Idris S Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523