Hi, I am posting this message I posted to the 'OS X TeX' group earlier this year relating to the same issue that Mathew is raising. I had no luck then but am hoping for more success now there are two of us. Hans says 'this is under discussion now with thomas/staszek/etc: has to do with urw metrics not being in tetex by default (they are on tex live)' However, Gerben's i-Installer installs them here in a different location than normal. (I think these are the only pair of files that are necessary for utmb8a to work.) /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/fonts/afm/urw/times/utmb8a.afm /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/fonts/type1/urw/times/utmb8a.pfb I believe that the problem is merely with texroot as I state below. Further evidence for this is that it nearly all worked before Gerben rearranged the directories. Earlier message....... Hi, Some of my previous font problems here were due to not enabling all of the font map file in the final configuration of the install. I think someone else had the same problem. Adobekb.tex is now helping me well, however I am finding it necessary still to run with the Context font system for some documents for the moment, and for this texfont has to run to create the various font files. Running the single command texfont --en=8r --ve=urw --co=courier --so=auto Should work but returns processing aborted : unknown tex root /sw/share/texmf/ Clearly texroot is set incorrectly so forcing that texfont --en=8r --ve=urw --co=courier --so=auto --fontroot=/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/ Should work but returns processing aborted : unknown subpath ../fonts/afm/urw/courier And yet /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/fonts/afm/urw/courier/ucrb8a.afm Exists This process worked in the v2 version of the i-installer indeed still works when reinstalled. I am presuming that the new problem is because of the texmf.tetex that the texfont perl script is now not able to understand. Perl is beyond my small brain! Any help much appreciated -- Nigel