I have tested it on this code: \definebodyfontenvironment [default] % or size [text=10pt,a=2,d=5, % or other values ] \starttext ahoj {\bfa ahoj} {\bfd ahoj} ahoj \showbodyfontenvironment \stoptext Tomáš Sun, Feb 17, 2019 ve 06:02:53PM +0100 Wolfgang Schuster napsal(a): # Tomas Hala schrieb am 17.02.19 um 16:07: # >Hi all, # > # >I played with \definebodyfontenvironment and found the command # >\showbodyfontenvironment. # > # >Experimentally I changed parameters at \definebodyfontenvironment # >and I am not able to understand the logic of the table generated # >by the \showbodyfontenvironment. # > # >What is the meaning of lines in the table? Or is this published somewhere? # # Do you have a minimal example? # # Wolfgang