On 23 Feb 2022, at 11:28, Xavier B. via ntg-context
wrote: In my previous post [https://mailman.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-context/2022/105138.html], I don't know the reason, but the attached code des not display very well in mailing list. I put it here:
\defineenumeration [exercici] [alternative=serried, before={\blank[medium]\testpage[1]}, text={Exercici}, stopper={.\space}, width=fit, headstyle=\ss, distance=0.25em, width=fit, headcolor=exercici_color, title=yes, titlestyle=\ss, titledistance=0em, left={\bgroup\bf}, right={\egroup}, after={\blank[big]}, prefix=yes, prefixsegments=section, way=section] [snip]
Removing "alternative=serried" gives a more grid like layout and (possibly coincidentally) the problem of the 'c' and 'h' labels being orphaned at the bottom of the page goes away. However the Exercici 1.3 heading is now too close to the end of the previous set. Perhaps changing your "before=" setting might improve things. This is on version 2022.01.10 08:36 — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK