Hello, The last page in my documents is always empty. The document is setup as singlesided via *\setuppagenumbering[location=,alternative=singlesided,way=bytext,partnumber=no]* On http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Empty_page_at_the_end a workaround is given, by using \setupsectionblock[frontpart][page=no] \setupsectionblock[bodypart][page=no] \setupsectionblock[appendix][page=no] \setupsectionblock[backpart][page=no] In my environment I only use : *\setupsectionblock[bodypart][page=no]** * This eliminates the empty page at the end of my document, however the chapter and section markers in the page headers/footers for the last couple of pages are not working anymore. I use the following setup % reset footer texts \setupfootertexts[] % % First page of chapter has a footer, no header % \definetext[chapterfooter][footer][{{\blue\pagenumber} \hfill Hoofdstuk \getmarking[chapternumber]} ] \setuphead[chapter][footer=chapterfooter,header=empty] % % All other pages have a header, no footer % \setupheadertexts[\setups{texta}][][][\setups{textb}] \startsetups[texta] \inframed[frame=off,framecolor=black,rulethickness=0.8pt,bottomframe=on,width=\textwidth]{ {\blue\pagenumber} \hfill \getmarking[chapter] \hfill Hoofdstuk \getmarking[chapternumber]} \stopsetups \startsetups[textb] \inframed[frame=off,framecolor=black,rulethickness=0.8pt,bottomframe=on,width=\textwidth]{ {\blue\getmarking[sectionnumber]} \hfill \getmarking[section] \hfill {\blue\pagenumber}} \stopsetups I use a couple of environment files which all define several things, title page, Table of contents, Table of Figures, page layout, page numbering, headers/footers etc. I could attach all of them, but I think the above settings are the one's that matter. I am not sure how to proceed to provide the correct but minimal information. I tried to put everything in a test file, but I was not successful. I tried to attach the last three pages of my document, which demostrates the problem but I exceeded the 40 KB. Is there another way of uploading documents which are more than 40 KB in size ? Any help is appreciated Kind regards Wim Neimeijer