Hi Aditya, I've just played some with your module for the PracTeX journal. This is very nice to have, I'm absolutely thrilled! When I wrote for them, I just relied on a self-cooked style, but yours looks much closer to the official LaTeX template. Just two or three very small remarks: 1. You should mention somewhere that your module necessitates installing the texgyre fonts (at least pagella) + the map files. They don't come with a normal ConTeXt installation (yet). 2. I haven't really looke into the texgyre fonts yet, but is it possible to make mediaeval numbers the default? Given that they are used for page and section numbers, that would make sense, IMHO. 3. The line endings in lines 226 and 227 need to be escaped; otherwise, you'll get a spurious space in front of the abstract buffer (visible in output in demo mode). Thanks so much for providing this module; I'll certainly use it if I write anything for PTJ again! Best Thomas