Am 28.08.10 16:02, schrieb Paul Menzel:
Dear ConTeXt folks,
I have four questions regarding `\date`. I looked at the page in the Wiki [1], in the ConTeXt user manual on page 159 [2][3] and tried some things, but could not figure it out.
I am using Debian Sid/unstable and I am a total beginner regarding ConTeXt.
0. I guess the first question is, if `\date` is supposed to be used inside a text anyway or just when for example setting the title page.
1. No space is inserted after using `\date[…]`.
text \date[d=29,m=8,y=2099] text
result: text 29. August 2099text
Is that intentional? A slash after the command fixes it.
text \date[d=29,m=8,y=2099]\ text
It's a problem with the optional argument, if the second argument is missing the space after the first is gobbled but it can be fixed. \unprotect \def\dododate[#1][#2]% {\bgroup \getparameters[\??da][d=\normalday,m=\normalmonth,y=\normalyear,#1]% \normalday \@@dad\relax \normalmonth\@@dam\relax \normalyear \@@day\relax \doifsomethingelse{#2}{\currentdate[#2]}{\currentdate}% \egroup} \def\nododate[#1]% {\dododate[#1][]} \def\dodate[#1]% {\strictdoifnextoptionalelse{\dododate[#1]}{\nododate[#1]}} \def\nodate {\currentdate} \def\date {\strictdoifnextoptionalelse\dodate\nodate} \protect \starttext text \date\ text text \date[d=29,m=8,y=2099] text text \date[d=29,m=8,y=2099][d,.\,,m] text \stoptext Wolfgang