On 12/09/2014 12:07 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 12/8/2014 5:47 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
[..] And sorry for asking this again, but I need underscore hyphenation with the underscore character from the font and only for the \tex and \hyphenatedurl commands (not for the rest of the text). [...]
just a variant of the addfunyhyphen:
Many thanks for your sample, Hans. It really works great. Sorry for asking this again: would it be possible to add this feature also to \hyphenatedurl. I’m composing a book on A6 and it is really hard to add some urls. Many thanks for your help again, Pablo
function document.addfunnyhyphen(tfmdata) local underscore = utf.byte("_") local char = tfmdata.characters[underscore] -- logs.report("fonts","adding funny hyphen to font %a",tfmdata.properties.fontname) tfmdata.characters[0xFE000] = { width = 0, height = 0, depth = 0, commands = { { "right", -char.width }, { "down", char.depth }, { "slot", 1, underscore }, } } end
\definefontfeature[default][default][funnyhyphen=yes] \definefontfeature[always] [always] [funnyhyphen=yes] \definefontfeature[none] [none] [funnyhyphen=yes]
\definetype [TeXcode] [option=TEX, compact=absolute, lines=hyphenated]
\definehyphenationfeatures [whatever] [righthyphenchar="FE000]
\setuphyphenation [method=traditional]
\unexpanded\def\TexC#1% {\dontleavehmode\begingroup \sethyphenationfeatures[whatever]% % \prehyphenchar"FE000 \normalexpanded{\TeXcode{\letterbackslash#1}}% \endgroup}
\starttext \input tufte \dorecurse{100}{\TexC{definebodyfont} } \input tufte \stoptext
we can add some of them but first i need to think about what slots to use (shouldn't conflict with other private slots)