On Tue, 27 Feb 2018 09:15:37 +0100 Hans Hagen
On 2/26/2018 8:02 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
On 02/25/2018 10:51 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 2/25/2018 9:12 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
[...] The print range for Acrobat is "3,6,9-11" when it should be "2,5,8-10" (the document only contains 10 pages).
is ok here (looking in the pdf file)
I have tested the file in Acrobat XI and since I got the same wrong page ranges, I asked to an Adobe engineer.
He confirmed that the spec is wrong. Page counting for /PrintPageRange should be zero-based and it shouldn’t start from one.
This is only one of many cases for which ISO-32000 is the spec and the Adobe Reader is the de-facto spec. Others affect annotations and rendering.
Sorry for this. Could you correct the implementation? the usual pdf spec rubish ... no one uses it (although tex is often first), they it gets a bugged implementation and then the specs change ... one of the reasons why i don't bother too much in implementing the latest pdf gadgets ... i wasted too much time adapting to changed (interpretation of the) specs
(I don't officially have the latest spec as i refuse to pay for a pdf specification that could be distributed in pdf format.)
A small detail: The ISO specification for PDF 2.0 also defines the first page in /PrintPageRange to be page number 1 (not 0). :( Cheers, Christoph