Hello, I hope there are some Emacs users out there. ;-) I can use emacs with context-mode when I start the program like this: . ~/context/tex/setuptex ; emacs & I could not find a way to set this in my emacs init file. Neither of the ways described here worked for me: https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ExecPath I set this in .bashrc: if [-f ~/context/tex/setuptex ]; then . ~/context/tex/setuptex fi to always have context available in a shell and in emacs if I start it from bash. Starting Emacs via the start menu of Gnome results in an Emacs that does not know ConTeXt. I found some hints how to source .bashrc in emacs but this only affects the emacs shell not the command calling from within AucTeX. Has anyone found a solution for this? juh