On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 9:57 AM, Mojca Miklavec
On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 1:40 AM, Andrea Valle wrote:
But, Hans, in the post Mojca says I have the same problem:) uh?
In font-syn.lua there is local pathlist = fonts.names.getpaths()
This used to contain some hard-coded paths for Mac users, but then Hans switched to reading fonts.conf with
-- name is "fonts.conf" local name = fonts.names.xml_configuration_file or "" if name ~= "" then -- this works on Hans' computer, but not here; name becomes empty local name = input.find_file(name,"other") -- so this loop is never entered and system fonts are never read if name ~= "" then collect(xml.collect_texts(xml.load(name),"dir",true)) end end
I guess that Hans has a fonts.conf in his TeX tree, while Linux & Mac users don't, and luaTeX doesn't know where to look for fonts.conf. What's worse: I suspect that OSFONTSDIR might be completely ignored.
No, don't ask me where fonts.conf should be. Mine are at /Users/mojca/.fonts.conf /private/etc/fonts/fonts.conf but I have no idea what's the proper/default location if any.
The /private/etc/fonts/fonts.conf one says:
<!-- Load per-user customization file --> <include ignore_missing="yes">~/.fonts.conf</include>
<!-- Load local system customization file --> <include ignore_missing="yes">local.conf</include>
So I guess that's where the other one gets included.
But you need fonts.conf only for XeTeX, LuaTeX (better MkIV) could find the fonts with the predefined paths in mtxrun. elseif name == "macosx" then fix("OSFONTDIR", "$HOME/Library/Fonts//;/Library/Fonts//;/System/Library/Fonts//") else Regards Wolfgang