nico schrieb:
Defining a new float gives another floating object with its own counter, list, etc.
Maybe you can stay with only one kind of float. The following looks like the expected rendering, but I don't understand the default placement of the second large figure.
% float defs %----------------------------------------------------------------------- \setupfloat[figure][minwidth=\rightmarginwidth, criterium=\rightmarginwidth, location=middle, default={outermargin,here}]
Thanks for that solution. It solves the problem with the list of figures. But for the text+margin figures i have to look, if they are placed on an odd or even page, to set the placing correctly. They should always be shifted to the outer margin. But your solution avoids the extra definition of margin images. Do you know the meanings of the criterium. minwidth and maxwidth options of \setupfloat and how they interact with each other and with default? richard