Hello ConTeXters, my girlfriend writes her dimploma thesis now and I talked her into using ConTeXt, but now I'm not sure anymore that this was the right thing to do. So, the problems are numerous and some of them are: - how do I set the spacing between a vertical line (between two columns) and the text inside that columns? I already used "framedoffest=-3pt", but the output is unacceptable. - how do I center the whole table? This one is really crucial: my GF also accepts hacks ;). - why doesn't \splitfloat{\placetable...} work with Natural Tables? (They won't get splitted at all, but with tables and linetables it works...) - how do I refer to tables then? I have chosen Natural Tables because they were the only one that splitted correctly (tables and linetables let out 2/3 of a page). So, that's all for now. bye, Adam.