Hello, Thomas Meyer wrote:
One week is gone and I got no answer, no comment to my problems! What's going wrong!
As Taco already pointed out: There are not that many PPCHTeX users.
The downloaded version works fine only under ConTeXt not under LaTeX. Is there a bug? Or am I to stupid?
It should work under both systems. At least with my teTeX system (with updated ConTeXt) it works under LaTeX.
Another question: Is it possible to create seven-membered ring-systems with ppchtex? I never found something in the manual about it.
Probably not. Hans, how about implementing those?
the code in question was the following: --------------------------
\startchemical | \startchemie is missing:
% C3-Aldose, Bindungen der Aldehydgruppe rot \startchemical {\color{red}{\chemie[SIX,SB2,DB3]}}% \chemie[SIX,Z234,SUB2,ONE,Z015,SB1,SB3,SB5,SB7,% MOV3,Z0][H,C,O,C,OH,H,\SL{CH_2OH}] \stopchemie
I attached a LaTeX version which works here. Tobias