On 9/2/23 12:42, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Pablo Rodriguez schrieb am 02.09.2023 um 12:35:
[...] Sorry, but I don‘t know why this doesn‘t get the slanted font as bold (I know I should know better, but I‘m stuck at this):
\definefontfamily[mainface][rm][DejaVu Sans] [sl≃style:bf]
You're using the wrong symbol (you have a math operator in your example) to assign a value to a key.
Many thanks for your reply, Wolfgang. As always, many thanks for your valuable help. Somehow I copied the assymptopically equal to character (0x2243) to typeset I cannot remember what, and I also placed it there (instead of the standard equals char [0x003D]). Sorry, I‘m afraid I wasn‘t able to spot the difference (at a relative small font size). Many thanks for your help again, Pablo