Henning Hraban Ramm schrieb am 25.09.2019 um 19:35:
Hi, I’d like to have a small poem beside my text. My approach doesn’t work, with or without \framed:
Since I need this only once, I thought I don’t need to define or setup my own float.
\setupfloat inherits from \setupframed, but the parameters width, style and background(color) don’t work. Aren’t they supposed to work in \startplacefloat?
How can I suppress the caption? ("none" is supposed to work with \placefloat, but at least doesn’t in \startplacefloat) The first argument of \startplacefloat takes the name of the float instance, e.g. figure (\startplacefloat [figure]) and the second argument a limited list of keys. All other options like the background
color have to be set with \setupfloat and \setupcation. > With or without framed, vbox and lines didn’t change much. (Of course \framed adds a frame, but the text isn’t within). You have to put the poem in a framed or framedtext environment with the setting width=fit. There is no way to to do this with the float environment alone.