30 Dec
30 Dec
10:50 p.m.
Am 30.12.2014 um 22:15 schrieb Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد
: Dear Syndicate,
ConTeXt ver: 2014.12.30 09:48 MKIV beta This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.79.2 (TeX Live 2014/W32TeX)
The following used to work:
\starttext \define[5]\EDUITEM{\framed[frame=off,align=width,width=broad] {{\bf #1 }\inmargin{\it #2}\ (#3).\crlf {\bf #4}, #5.\blank[small]}}
\EDUITEM{Certificate of Proficiency}{2005}{\ConTeXt\ Studies}{\ConTeXt\ Seminary}{\TeX{ville}, \TeX{land}} \stoptext
Now I get nothing in the margin. Please advise!
Use \inmargin[scope=local]{…} when you use the command within a box structure. Wolfgang