I wonder if someone can help me interpret this message in the log file fonts > start missing characters: /home/jbf/bin/context/tex/texmf/fonts/opentype/public/tex-gyre/texgyrepagella-regular.otf fonts > 88 U+00336 ̶ COMBINING LONG STROKE OVERLAY fonts > stop missing characters My questions are as follows: 1. What does 88 mean here? 88 instances of this missing glyph? Page 88? Or something else? or in other words, how might I discover where something is missing from the original text? 2. Tex Gyre Pagella is normally a pretty handy typeface to use for me because it has pretty much all the glyphs I normally need... except this one obviously! Isn't it really just an en rule (or very similar to such)? Or in other words, how do I best overcome the problem of this missing character? 3. And perhaps connected with the above question: is there good fallback solution one can use? Do I need to \definefontfallback something or is there an automatic one already happening? I've started to examine the log files a bit more carefully for various items and it is showing up my ignorance!! Julian