Hi Hans, I am attaching my enhancements for core-des. This takes care of most of the needs for theorems with ConTeXt. I hope that I have not broken anything. I have tested this with a 40 page documents, while Oliver, Olaf, and Dalyoung have tested this with bigger documents. The test files show different features. It takes care of a few bugs in enumerations, (and introduces new ones... there is a suprious space somewhere which I can not find) Basically, more enhanced support for titles, and end of proof markers, and makes sure that conversion=whatever works correctly. If you want a "title" for the theorem, say \defineenumeration[theorem] \defineenumeration[theorem][title=yes] titledistance, titlestyle, titlecolor, titleleft, and titleright control the appearance of the title. To use a title, say \starttheorem[label]{title} both the label and the title are optional, so you can have \starttheorem[label] This is a theorem with no title \stoptheorem and \starttheorem {title} this is a theorem with no label \stoptheorem \starttheorem this is a theorem with neither a title nor a label \stoptheorem For end of proof markers, say \definetheorem[theorem][endmarker=\math{\square}] or whatever symbol you want. Then a end of proof marker with will be placed at the \stoptheorem. Sometimes, for example after an itemize, the end of thoerem marker may appear on a line of its own. Then say \placenedmarker just before \stopitemize To couple two enumerations \defineenumeration[theorem] \defineenumeration[proposition][theorem] To couple just the numbers \defineenumeration[theorem] \defineenumeration[proposition][usenumer=theorem] I cannot use number=theorem because number=yes|no is to enable disable numbering. Maybe a better choice will be numbering=yes|no, and number=counter. But that will break backward compatibility :( The main thing that needs to be done is to get end of proof markers to work with formulas, but that is a bit difficult, so I have left it for the future. Aditya