Begin forwarded message:

From: Jerzy Ludwichowski <>
Subject: BachoTeX 2023 deadline extended
Date: 1 April 2023 at 11:57:21 CEST
To: LUG boards <>,

Dear TeXies, BachoTeX friends,

we have extended the registration deadline until 11th of April.

Here are some compelling reasons for coming:
    - we have not met for a long time
    - the conference program is (as always ;-) ) very interesting and
      entertaining (,
      to mention some items of the still being extended program:
        - Andrzej Tomaszewski with his fascinating book projects,
        - Hans Hagen's series on ConTeXt MkXL and the LuaMetaTeX engine,
        - Bogusłaaw Jackowski and e-foundry's font engine,
        - Piotr Bolek about the monumental Project Kolberg,
        - workshops by Willy Egger, BarBara Wilińska and Kasia Burakowska,
        - West African djembe and dundun drumming concert,
        - beer tasting/appreciating,
        - bonfire,
        - conference dinner,
        - and, and, and...
     - our special guests will be 5 students from Odessa University, Ukraine

You can't miss BachoTeX 2023:

for the Organizing Committee
(-) Jerzy Ludwichowski