Hi Akira,
On May 31, 2017, at 2:59 PM, Akira Kakuto mailto:kakuto@fuk.kindai.ac.jp> wrote:
Hi Karl,
I realize you're reporting a separate bug, that the value gets
<5A> <36E537DC81>
I confirmed that Ross's
\pdfglyphtounicode{Z}{D835 DC81}
with a space works ok.
In the case of
I encountered an assertion error because
long code = 0XD835DC81 < 0 in my case, where
sizeof(long) = 4.
Ross obtained erroneously vh = 0X36E537, vl = 0XDC81
because long code = 0XD835DC81 > 0, if sizeof(long) = 8.
Is assert(code >= 0 && code <= 0X10FFFF) OK or not OK?
I'm thinking this is OK, *provided* spaces are used to separate the codes,
when multiple glyphs are required.
Otherwise there should be just a single Unicode point, and the
allowable range for this is <= 0X10FFFF .
Indeed the top end of this ( 0X100000 upwards ) is for “Private Use” only.
My understanding of these pieces of code:
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if (p[i] == ' ')
valid_unistr = 2; /* if a space occurs we treat this entry as a string */
if (valid_unistr == 2) { /* a string with space(s) */
/* copy p to buf2, ignoring spaces */
for (q = buf2; *p != 0; p++)
if (*p != ' ')
*q++ = *p;
*q = 0;
gu->code = UNI_STRING;
gu->unicode_seq = xstrdup(buf2);
… is that blocks of 4-6 hex digits are just copied verbatim, without calling check_unicode_value
so that assert is never actually encountered.
Do you agree with this interpretation?
(from tounicode.c)
static char *utf16be_str(long code)
static char buf[SMALL_BUF_SIZE];
long v;
unsigned vh, vl;
assert(code >= 0);
if (code <= 0xFFFF)
sprintf(buf, "%04lX", code);
else {
v = code - 0x10000;
vh = v / 0x400 + 0xD800;
vl = v % 0x400 + 0xDC00;
sprintf(buf, "%04X%04X", vh, vl);
return buf;
Dr Ross Moore
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