On 2019-01-26 at 21:21:17 +0000, Ross Moore wrote:
On 27 Jan 2019, at 4:53 am, Reinhard Kotucha
wrote: Thanks for this link, [...]
Mojca thankfully mentioned veraPDF some time ago. IMO veraPDF is quite promising because it seems to be developed like TeX (investigate thoroughly before writing the first line of code). Furthermore, an invaluable feature of veraPDF is that its source code is available. An online validator once complained about an erroneous /GlyphSet in a PDF file produced by LuaTeX. I extracted the font (CharisSIL) and disassembled the TTF with TTX/FontTools. Then I reverse-engineered the /GlyphSet and came to the conclusion that the /GlyphSet produced by LuaTeX is fully compliant with the PDF and PDF/A standards. The web site offered me to convert my document to PDF/A-1b but they simply removed /GlyphSet and *their* validator said that the PDF/A-1b file I created with *their* tool is correct. But without access to the source code I'll never be able to find out why the /GlyphSet was considered wrong. In short: I'm convinced that veraPDF is a very good thing. Keep in mind that Adobe Acrobat Pro isn't available on platforms used by the majority of TeX users. And most TeX users (not only at schools and universities) cannot afford proprietary software or are not willing to pay for it. Regards, Reinhard -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Reinhard Kotucha Phone: +49-511-3373112 Marschnerstr. 25 D-30167 Hannover mailto:reinhard.kotucha@web.de ------------------------------------------------------------------