14 Feb
14 Feb
8 a.m.
Bernd Raichle wrote:
Ok, I move the discussion back from sarovar to the ntg-pdftex list ...
Cool, thanks.
Thus I am still missing the rationale why a new primitive was introduced. (I didn't find anything within my backlog of this list and the list archive is missing a search functionality.)
A functional equivalent macro of \quitvmode is: \protected\def\quitvmode{\ifvmode \indent \fi } but that only works when e-TeX is enabled. In a traditional TeX, the \if test will sometiems be executed at the wrong time, or you end up with undesired side-effects like \relax tokens. So yes, the primitive is unneeded in 'pdfetex', but it was really needed when there still was a non-etex pdftex. Greetings, Taco