Just to clarify : Philip TAYLOR (Ret'd) wrote:
No, Phil is lazy and is working in Plain TeX, in which the use of anything other than the CM family is more complex. But PdfTeX does not use PK fonts, does it ?
There are really a number of points here. Probably I should start by saying that having spent the last $n$ years as College Webmaster, my TeX skills are not what they once were; in addition, my previous work with Plain TeX was based around the Arbortext driver and fonts (with their special remapped TFMs, such as PSMTIMR), so I never learned how to use other type-1 fonts that do not come with remapped TFMs (or if I did once learn, I have forgotten again) [1]. Secondly, Reinhard raises a very important point : pre-type-1, one always used a mode-def appropriate to the particular printer; but now that we live in a PdfTeX world, with type-1 fonts the norm, there is no longer this facility, so Hans's recipe for darkening a font through a PDF special is really really useful and worth making more widely known. It would also be very helpful if Hans could document the operators that it uses, as I am afraid they are all Mayan to me :-( ** Phil. -------- [1] And the TeX FAQ http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=fonts-pln suggests it's anything but trivial :-(