Hi, there's another _experimental_ patch: I have replaced the fm_tab array for fontmaps in pdftex by two AVL trees, and modified the fmlookup(), tfmoffm() etc. functions accordingly. Now the pdffontmap list in pdftex.ch contains pointers (instead of indices) to the fm_entry entries. The mapfile reading speed then is great: 100000 lines of mapfile need a fraction of a second on my 400 MHz PC. AVL in principle allows to replace fm_entry entries while filling the tree. Beware: The patch is buggy, most likely around reading TT fontmaps, as I need to understand things around the mk_ext_fm() function; never came along TTFs. For the curious, the patch is at w w w . c i r c u i t w i z a r d . d e Greetings Hartmut On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, The Thanh Han wrote:
I would prefer using consistent structure. Thus if we consider using libavl reasonable, we should use it everywhere when possible.