On Wed, 15 Jun 2005, Martin Schröder wrote:
src/pdftex-1.30.0-beta-20050615.zip should be on sarovar.
pdfTeX 3.141592-1.30.0 was released on 2005-06-?? -------------------------------------------------
- New primitives \leftmarginkern <box number> and \rightmarginkern <box number> for specifying the margin kern at the left and right side of the horizontal
maybe: "that tell the margin kerns..." because it's read-only
list stored in box <box number>.
- Inclusion of pngs has been greatly improved: It now does - alpha channel and transparency (only if %!PDF >=1.4) - 16-bit colour (only if %!PDF >=1.5); this must be enabled by setting \pdfimagehicolor to 1. - gamma correction; this must be enabled by setting \pdfimageapplygamma to 1. The device gamma is taken from \pdfgamma. If no embedded value can be found in the png image, then the value of \pdfimagegamma is used instead.
maybe we should add - fast direct embedding of png streams, if their structure allows this; the automatic fall-back is to decompress and re-compress as before.
- The effects of font expansion can now be logged: There is now a new integer variable \pdftracingfonts. It is zero by default, then we get a log (with fontexpansion) like this ...\tenrm t ...\tenrm (+20) e Without font expansion, this default should be compatible with TeX's original log output. If \pdftracingfonts is set to 1 (or greater), we get a more verbose log: ...\xivtt (cmtt10@14.0pt) t ...\xivtt (cmtt10+20@14.0pt) e See also bug 304.
- The primitive \pdfmovechar has been removed (bug 294)
- Bugfix: empty strings are not supressed anymore (bug 335)
- Bugfix: \unhboxing and character protusion didn't work well together (bug 292)
- Bugfix: --jobname didn't work if there was no filename at all (bug 302)
- Bugfix: Some problem with fonts on solaris (bug 315)
- Bugfix: \pdfxform didn't work with box>255 (bug 310)
- Bugfix: Dangling font objects with non-replacable fonts (bug 311). This also seems to be corrected; at least since then i didn't get such dangling font objects. But i can't prove :-) - Bugfix: cmap: unicode ???? is mapped to multiple glyphs (bug 306). Here pdftex now reacts in a clear way (a warning?), Thanh can say what that actually is :-) so one can consider this as closed...
- Bugfix: protruding can lead to "This can't happen(paragraph)." (bug 292) ----------------------------------------------------------------
Bug 320: this is the colorstack stuff. Maybe one should shift it into "feature requests", it's documented, so it's no bug. Bug 345: typo corrected by Pawe/l? Bug 359: ??? Bug 362: a feature, not a bug. Regards, Hartmut