On Sunday 26 June 2016 00:34:51 Karl Berry wrote:
3) glyphtounicode.tex is no longer maintained in pdftex (or in TeX Live).
Then would be better to remove it from pdftex tree, so other people do not look at incorrect place (as me).
4) For the ligatures, I can't remember for sure, but I suspect that the entries predate the existence of the ligatures in Unicode. It is not clear to me that the change is desirable, because the "decomposition" into two f characters is what is actually desired for searches, etc. If you can convince Eddie, fine; it's up to him. A practical usage case is probably needed for that. The current entries have been around a long, long, time and should not be changed merely to "follow" Unicode.
Ok, so problem is that pdf viewers do not support searching for unicode ligatures and decomposition help users. Understand.
5) Regarding your previous message about Delta(greek). glyphtounicode.tex generally follows Adobe's original glyphlist.txt
http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/opentype/glyphlist.txt which has the same Delta + Deltagreek definitions. Which are more useful in practice. I can't imagine there will or should be any changes there.
More mathematical fonts have under glyph Delta greek delta character. And in mathematical text is greek Delta used as Delta, not increase character. This reason for my proposal of update. -- Pali Rohár pali.rohar@gmail.com