From: Taco Hoekwater
Hartmut Henkel wrote:
problem appears when font bsmiu59 is called, which happens to be font no. 256 in the 2nd run. Font size for this font is set to 717619. But then in pdf_begin_string() the value pdf_font_size[f] is zero, so the
s := divide_scaled(cur_delta_h - pdf_delta_h, pdf_font_size[f], 3);
crashes. It has nothing to do with this particular font, but it seems that pdftex can't handle more than 255 fonts, so that some wraparound seems to happen and there is no catch for this condition.
Obvious questions are: Does pdftex have this 255 limitation? Can this be extended? Or should pdftex quit with the remark that it can't handle this? Is this really the first time that somebody requests more than 255 fonts?
CJK languages need a lot of font planes. That's how I got to the 255+ limit.
It is an oversight, the problem is that the global |f| is of the wrong type. In pdftex.web,
@@ -13795,7 +13795,8 @@ @!dead_cycles:integer; {recent outputs that didn't ship anything out} @!doing_leaders:boolean; {are we inside a leader box?} @# -@!c,@!f:quarterword; {character and font in current |char_node|} +@!c:quarterword; {character in current |char_node|} +@!f:internal_font_number; {font in current |char_node|} @!rule_ht,@!rule_dp,@!rule_wd:scaled; {size of current rule being output} @!g:pointer; {current glue specification} @!lq,@!lr:integer; {quantities used in calculations for leaders}
Should fix this problem as well as any potentially still lurking similar problems.
Hartelijk bedankt, Taco! A great many thanks also to Hartmut! I'll contact the Debian TeX distributors immediately and answer you as soon as I can confirm this fix. Cheers! Danai SAE-HAN 韓達耐 -- 題目:《游山西村》 作者:陸游(1125-1210) 莫笑農家臘酒渾,丰年留客足雞豚。 山重水復疑無路,柳暗花明又一村。 蕭鼓追隨春社近,衣冠簡朴古風存。 從今若許閑乘月,拄杖無時夜叩門。