Hi Akira,
On 30/05/2017, at 19:39, "Akira Kakuto"
Here is a minimal working example that shows the issue.
In the original test.tex, I encountered an assertion error in tounicode.c. If I change as
\pdfcompresslevel=0 \pdfgentounicode=1 \input glyphtounicode.tex \pdfglyphtounicode{Z}{1D481} % MATH bold-italic-Z U+1D481 (U+D835 U+DC81)
Yes, I discovered that this works, shortly after posting. But it doesn't explain why what should be valid input is changed to something invalid. And what should happen with longer strings? For example this works fine: \pdfglyphtounicode{t_t}{00770077} % break ligature into separate letters as does adding multiple combining accents (e.g. 0300 etc.) after the Hex for other characters. But what if it was required to map into multiple higher-plane glyphs? Is the only documentation on this by reading the source file? tounicode.c
Z $Z$
I obtained an attached test.pdf, in which I can find two strings <5A> <D835DC81>.
Best, Akira
Cheers, Ross